A Look Into Touriva’s Future

4 min readAug 30, 2020

The world of cryptocurrency is constantly evolving. Whether there are all-time highs or all-time lows, our feelings stay the same. For us, cryptocurrency isn’t only about price. Cryptocurrency is about technology and our ability to further decentralize our community.

While international travel hasn’t been a priority for most, that hasn’t slowed the team of developers on our biggest upgrades in Touriva’s existence. We know that we have a product that will revolutionize how travel is conducted globally, not only bedspace for backpackers, this is a revolution that big businesses will be forced to adapt and accept. Below are some goals and features the Touriva team has been hard at work implementing that will be advancing this project into the future.

Short Term Goals

Touriva Asset Chain

The Touriva asset chain will be the new home for Touriva. This chain will allow Touriva to accomplish technological features and further decentralize the Touriva travel network.


Tournodes will be Touriva’s “Masternode” like consensus technology. Just as Masternodes, Tournodes will receive a reward for locking up their coins, but unlike traditional Masternodes Tournodes will have a linear reward structure so that you can lock up any amount of coins as long as it is above the minimum of 500 coins and the maximum of 10.000 coins. The Tournodes will receive more updates in the future to tie them even more into the Touriva travel network.

Smart-contract payment gateway

Touriva’s smart-contract payment gateways will allow anyone from anywhere in the world to book a location without having to go through a centralized market place. These smart contracts will work in a trustless way so that there is no need for intermediaries.

Data oracles

The Data oracles will be the backbone of the Touriva ecosystem; this will be the place where all available locations will be stored. Anyone will be able to start a data oracle using a premade template to provide locations to the network or you can add a location to the official Touriva data oracle.

Travel app

The Touriva travel app will be the centerpiece of the Touriva ecosystem. This will be the place where all developed products will be shown off and where actual locations can be booked.


Touriva.org will be the heart of the Touriva Technology platform. On this website, you will find information about Touriva technology. The information you will find there are white label products and developer docs.

Social Media presence

10k Instagram followers

Our goal is to build a fully decentralized travel network to market this network. We want to have a large following on social media, and with Instagram being a more lifestyle focussed social media platform we are using it to attract people who are interested in traveling by posting photos of great holiday locations. Our goal with this is to have an already existing following so that as soon as our travel app is finished we can start promoting it to our followers.

1k twitter followers

Twitter is the place where status updates and crypto discussions take place, because of this we want to focus on expanding our reach on this platform with the expectation of being able to attract more potential investors to the project and being able to grow the Touriva platform even bigger.

- note that these figures are just initial goals and ones they are met we will continue to focus on these sectors -

1 new article every month

In our goal to be more transparent with the community, we want to start writing a monthly article in which we discuss the current status of the Touriva project, with all the things we have accomplished and everything we are planning on doing. These articles will be posted on our own website and Medium.

Additional exchange listings

In our pursuit of making Touriva easier to obtain, we want to list Touriva on more exchanges so that the barrier to entry becomes lower and lower. We will be looking for specific exchanges, we won’t be listing Touriva on as many exchanges as possible as we find it important to have good liquidity on all Touriva markets and pairings.

Long term goals

Touriva decentralized travel application

Ultimately we want to realize a completely decentralized travel network through which anyone can book a location without having to go through a centralized marketplace. The same goes for the other way around with everything being decentralized anyone with a spare room or bed will be able to offer their location to everyone using the Touriva network.

Touriva is realistically ambitious and that’s our mission, understanding that in order for our industry to evolve it will require technology, dedication, and an open mind to grow as a community. In order to create history, we must first look forward to the future, as we implement and advance our goals our successes become more clear. We invite you to join our revolution for an extended stay. This is something bigger than just an app or just another blockchain this is a new way of travel, a new technology, this is Touriva!

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A globally distributed and autonomous travel and tourism agency